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Things To Know About FUT Hair Transplantation

A man has to deal with lots of problems and hurdles during his life. These problems come across in different aspects of life like personal life, career, health and wealth issues. Out of these, one health aspect that affects males a lot is baldness.

Hair loss or baldness has always been one of the worst health issues that results in decreasing self-esteem and confidence to a great extent. However, all those suffering from baldness must realise that there’s an excellent solution that offers permanent results. Yes, you guessed it right – it is Hair Transplant treatment that can grow hair on your scalp.

Today, we will discuss the highly effective and most sought-after hair transplant surgery – FUT. So, le’s the ride!

FUT (follicular unit transplant) is a latest technique of hair restoration, which is really less invasive compared to any other restoration surgery. In this surgery, precision tools are used by experienced surgeons to extract the follicles, and then plant them directly into the balding areas. In FUT a strip of skin is extracted from the donor area, and then follicles are extracted from the strip separately.

A major advantage of follicular unit transplant is that it won’t give the patient a large scar in the donor area. Of course, this doesn’t imply that FUT is scar free, but due to the small size the scar is a lot easier to conceal. A lot of people consider this as the deciding factor while selecting FUT for their restoration surgery.

Another advantage offered by this method is that it is far lesser invasive compared to any other technique. Usually patients can go back to their activities shortly after FUT surgery because healing occurs at a really fast pace.

Ø  Things You Can Expect From FUT Hair Transplant Surgery


·        In the initial few days after transplantation, it is quite usual to feel pain, which can be reduced with prescribed medicines.

·        Right after the transplantation, moderate swelling can be seen on the forehead and the upper eyelid area which will go away within 48 hours.

·        Some patients might develop some redness around the operated area and scabs would appear on the first day. Within two weeks, the scabs will scabs will start to come off.

·        Nearly two-three weeks after the surgery, the implanted hair would slowly begin to shed. A few patients might even experience hair shock, in which transplanted hair thins out for some time. However, there’s no need to get panicked in this situation as it is a normal cycle for hair development.

·        One to three months after getting FUT hair transplantation, patients will witness new hair growth and hair quality will be excellent this time.

·        By the end of year, when an estimated hair cycle is completed, then the high level of hair growth will be seen. Hair will start to grow in a natural direction and in a similar way like pre-existing natural hair strands.


Ø  Hair Care After FUT Hair Transplantation Surgery  


·        The best post-operative hair care can be directed to you by your surgeon. This is why choosing an experienced hair surgeon become so crucial.

·        Be extra careful for the first few days after FUT hair transplant in Mumbai. So, avoid rubbing and massaging too much while using shampoo.

·        Do not scratch the operated surface as it heals because this might dislodge the newly transplanted follicles.

If you are looking forward to get FUT hair transplant in Mumbai, then it becomes really essential to choose the best surgeon. Dr. Sumit Agrawal is one of finest and most experienced surgeon famous for delivering some really outstanding results. Remember, good result lies in the hands of a good surgeon!  At the Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic, you will get both – an acclaimed surgeon and top-notch services.


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