There are many reasons behind the occurrence of hair fall in humans, such as stress, hereditary reasons, ageing, or hormonal factors. Sometimes two or more reasons cause this problem. However, with the great advancement in technology in the last two decades, it has become quite possible to grow hair back on your head. This is done by two highly effective surgical procedures known as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant). You’ll be surprised to know that these transplant techniques provide reliable and permanent results. However, proper care needs to be taken to ensure that there are no negative effects occur after the treatment. It’s really crucial to understand that top-notch results without any side-effects can only be achieved if proper care is taken and all the directions given by the doctor are followed rigorously. To maintain hair transplants, one must follow various steps recommended by the surgeon. A lot of people are choosing transplant ...