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Showing posts from March, 2020

Do you know these facts about dimples?

A dimple can transform your personality.  You can’t resist a person smile with a dimple, they look adorable. This is the reason, why everyone wants a smile dimple on their face. If you don’t have a smile dimple, don’t worry there are natural nonsurgical ways to achieve a smile dimple, though they are not considered very effective, Dimple creation surgery can be a permanent solution for you. Before you think of a dimple creation surgery , here are some fun facts about dimples: Gelasin. You might have never heard this word before in your life. It sounds like some kind of gel for your skin, but it’s not a gel for your skin. Gelasin is the terminology used to define the dimple that appears on the cheek when someone laughs, it’s been taken from a Greek word “gelaein” that means “to laugh”. Dimples are considered a prominent feature on your face, but a fair chance that you can have dimples on other parts of your body, say chin dimple,...

Basic Hair Transplantation Guidelines

Qualified Surgeon:  Before opting for a hair transplant in mumbai , do check your surgeon specialization, as cosmetic and plastic surgery is a very vast field and possibilities of a surgeon is a specialist in hair treatment, will also be a specialist in hair transplantation surgery is not guaranteed, do check his/her association with colleges, awards won by your surgeon in a related niche.  Facility:  Do, talk to your hair transplant surgeon, what if any contingent situation happens, are they fully equipped with all the supplies and medical facilities that might be required. If you are a patient with some sort of medical condition then this could be the most important aspect for you, though most of the hair transplant surgeons follow a strict guideline and will let you know about all the procedure and what’s best for you. Consent : Check if the hair transplant surgeon explains the consent of hair transpl...